====== nanoc Website Generation Tool ======
* [[http://nanoc.stoneship.org/|nanoc.stoneship.org]] -- Project Homepage
* [[http://groups.google.com/group/nanoc/topics?gvc=2&start=90|groups.google.com - nanoc]]
* [[http://projects.stoneship.org/trac/nanoc/wiki/WikiStart|nanoc Trac Wiki]]
====== First Steps ======
* Create a new website directory:\\ nanoc create_site
* Populate the //output// directory of the website:\\ cd ; nanoc compile
* Add a new item to the website:\\ nanoc create_item
* Start nanoc's built in web server:\\ nanoc view &
* http://localhost:3000/ -- URL to view the result
====== Examples ======
* [[http://starrhorne.com/posts/howto_build_a_blog_with_nanoc/|I built my blog with nanoc, and now I am happy again]]
* [[http://chriskempson.com/2011/02/01/blogging-with-nanoc3-blog-starter-kit.html|Blogging with nanoc3 Blog Starter Kit]]